Thursday, November 15, 2007

Most likely to ... the favorite cell mate! I got into the shower the other day and found that the girls had taken about 15 or so washcloths and tied them end to end. They'd taken this little contraband rope and flung it over the shower door. Maybe they were desperate to get out and forgot how to slide open the shower door. Desperate times, desperate measures... I don't know. I do know this: if you ever find yourself imprisoned, you'll be hoping for a cell mate with such genius!! I took pictures, but I have a rogue photo program on my computer and it heisted the pics as soon as they were downloaded- I tried to download them onto picasa (which is my usual picture program) and the memory card had been wiped clean. It's alright though because i'm sure your imagination can conjure up a right fine image of my little escape artists!!!