Sunday, January 13, 2008

Small Human

Matthew was watching the ever so stupidly funny movie Major Payne the other day when McKenna walked in and responded to what she saw. Her little mind saw the young boys in uniform and especially the one who is really little (probably about 4 years old) and she said, "What?! Small humans aren't suppose to fight!" I laughed and asked her if she was a small human, she is.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Can you fit your fist?

So, the other night at dinner we were talking about the dentist. He made the comment that Jocilyn had a small mouth and McKenna has a mouth with plenty of room... what's that? Kenna has a big mouth? ... Nooooo..... Anyway, so then Matthew says he thinks he remember that aunt Lynn can fit her fist in her mouth... so here are the "I want to be like Lynn" pics... We love you aunt lynn-a-gin!

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