Friday, June 15, 2007

A Day with Grandma

We spent the day over at Grandma Nita's while mom took the car to the shop to get fixed. It's
(here is grandma with our cousin Opal)
been a while since we've gotten to do that. When mom finds a job again Grandma will babysit us and that will be great! We played barbies and ran through the sprinkler. Jocilyn played with Aunt Sabrina doing "big girl" crafts,

...while McKenna ran errands with grandma. The day was fun! Too bad for mom, finally a free day and she didn't even have a car to run around in. This was all Thursday, we spent the night, how great is that?

Grandpa Carl will be here for Father's day, We are excited to have him in from AZ for a minute. Here is a pic from a visit when they still lived with us.
McKenna is papa's girl- she hates goodbyes with him- so it will be a special visit for her this weekend as well. Grandmas and Grandpas are so special and neat, spending time with them is always a treat!

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