Monday, June 18, 2007

photo tribute to my now 4 year old

Florida 02/07 Sept 06 Flash dance!!!

To tired to move? best friends tea party?

dressed for a baptism

Memorial day 06' I love a warm vent in the winter!

ring on every finger just woke up! Halloween 05'

my first snow!!! book smart hiding from my age- 4th birthday

I am happy because i know i am loved.
McKenna- you bless my life and every life you touch. You, my dear, leave "fingerprints of gold." My birthday wish for you is a life of happiness, friends, family, love, learning, good choices, and that you will know that your famiy and your heavenly father love you more than you can fathom. I'm proud to be your mother and pray i do right by you, for you, and to you.


Marci said...

I love your kids they are so funny!! I want to add your link to my blog but I don't know how. I will have Lynn help me, she set up my account for me I don't think she will mind :).

Trish said...

Tricia! How did lynn rope you into becoming a blogger too? Well, I tracked you down and now we can stay in touch via blog. you in Idaho and me in Vegas. We are just so awesome!

Jake and Lynn said...

I love that your girls have their very own blog, very cool.